Yes, biologically, epigenetically & energetically, you are the Mum. It’s fascinating to consider that three different humans can come together to create one gorgeous, unique little human. When you receive a donor egg, you are getting one cell. That’s it, one cell. It may be the most precious gift you will receive, but it is still only one cell. One cell doesn’t make a baby. One cell doesn’t even make an embryo. It is up to the Mum and the Dad to develop that cell. That one cell requires beautiful good quality sperm to fertilise it, to divide and develop into 2 cells, 4 cells, 8 cells, a blastocyst. And then it needs Mum to grow, nurture and nourish it, to give it its vibe, its energy, its very essence.
Women who carry a child using a donor egg impart an important genetic gift to their children. Molecules known as MicroRNAs that are secreted in the mother’s womb can change the genetic information of the child. The microRNAs floating in a mother’s endometrial fluid change the embryo. Practically speaking, this means the carrying mother’s DNA influences the way the baby develops. Her genetic material essentially helps to “decide” which of her baby’s genes get turned on and off. Even more, it means the baby will acquire some DNA from the mother, even if the egg comes from another woman.
A new study from researchers at the Fundacion Instituto Valenciano de Infertilidad and Stanford University suggests women who carry a child using a donor egg still impart an important genetic gift to their children. Molecules known as MicroRNAs that are secreted in the mother’s womb can change the genetic information of the child. The researchers proposed microRNAs floating in a mother’s endometrial fluid might change the embryo. Practically speaking, this means the carrying mother’s DNA influences the way the baby develops. Her genetic material essentially helps to “decide” which of her baby’s genes get turned on and off. Even more, it means the baby will acquire some DNA from the mother, even if the egg comes from another woman. No matter how she becomes pregnant, a woman performs an invaluable service by carrying the child. This new research suggests she also exerts a significant influence on her child’s genetics, development, and lifelong health. Definitely your baby!
You give to that baby something that only you can give- your energy, your blood. For 40 weeks you will help create its soul, its vibe, its very essence, and without that, there is no human. You give that baby so much more than your eyes. Eyes are merely a window to the soul, and given you help create the soul; it will have your eyes. You will be amazed at how many people tell you your baby looks like you. I promise.
And then there’s the microbiome. Did you know we are more bacteria than we are human cells? And that baby’s microbiome comes from only one place- you, the Mama. During a vaginal delivery, your baby travels down your birth canal and is exposed to your microbes. Your baby takes in the beneficial bacteria from you that subsequently colonizes its gut and establishes its microbiome. This bacteria shapes a newborns immune system, helping them fight off disease. Even if your baby is belly born via caesarean, your microbes can still be passed on to your little one via a process called Vaginal Seeding. Commensal bacteria present in breast milk and maternal areolar skin bacteria contribute to the early seeding of the infant’s gut.
Dr Miranda Myles Natural Health & Fertility, Naturopath & Acupuncturist, is passionate about working with couples in the management of their fertility issues. Miranda is dedicated to help couples achieve optimal physical and emotional health prior to conception. Miranda provides a beautifully supportive and nurturing environment to allow you to reach your optimal health goals, to enable you to achieve a successful conception, pregnancy and baby.

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